Thursday, December 22, 2011

Why Do Finales Suck?

It's the all time burning question: why do series finales never satisfy viewers?  The most obvious answer is because they're upset to see their favorite show move on and out of their lives.  It's comparable to when your number one candy is discontinued, or your top stripper quits to go home to her children.

Sometimes, the creators purposely leave the ending ambiguous, such as with The Sopranos and its loose-ended conclusion to a tumultuous series.  Other shows, like Oz provided their fans with somewhat of an open-ended closure to the show.  Then again, it's not like anyone in their right mind would release all the inmates at the end of the show and say "Fly little butterflies, fly!"  And even worse, with a genius show like Deadwood, the series is cancelled before the writers can give it a proper send off.

Then, there are shows like Lost.  Short disclaimer: I used to LOVE Lost.  I started watching very late into the series and had to play catch up before the final season aired.  I spent three months of my life, time that definitely should have been put towards academics, tearing through five seasons on Netflix Instant through a haze of smoke and lazy everydays.  Everyone knows the drill: first two or three seasons were amazing, season four was eh, season five was decent.  Then came the final season, or as I like to call it, "The Bane of The Island."

In a single two and half hour series finale, the writers of Lost destroyed everything they built up over six season.  Religion, really?  You develop and bring in awesome scientific and philosphical ideas and theories, then decimate them with fucking religion?  I could go on at length, but that's not the point of my rant.

My point is: why can't writers ever stick to their original formula and churn out a fantastic finale that brings the series to a close? Answers all the questions? Dots all the i's and crosses every t?  It's like they work so hard developing characters and plots and relationships, then refuse to care at the end and give up.  TV needs to revamp their stock of writers; the amount of piss poor television these days is nauseating.  I think it's time myself, Scott and Ryan wrote a show.  In fact, let's fucking do it.

1 comment:

  1. One show that should be added to the list of disappointing finales: Battlestar Galactica. For me, it's one of the best sci fi shows of all time but the ending was just terrible, absolutely terrible.
