After watching Louis CK on Jimmy Fallon the other night I knew immediately I needed to stop procrastinating and download his new special "Live at the Beacon"
here's the clips from Jimmy Fallon
I was in subdued hysterics throughout Louis' appearance. It was truly refreshing to see someone who wasn't a bump on a log, blindly promoting some phoned in Uwe Boll movie or ghost written autobiography about their son with dyslexia. Granted Louis was promoting something but the way in which he promotes is so nonchalant and sarcastic it's as if he doesn't care (he probably doesn't) Louis cracked jokes about the very serious charities he raised money for with his special which got big laughs.
The concept behind "Live at the Beacon" is simple. Louis filmed the special independently, designed a bare bones website, connected it to pay pal, and wrote a note encouraging fans not to pirate it and to spend $5 to view it. With Louis' immense following from both his four time Emmy nominated show "Louie" on FX and his comedy career, this was an immediate success. So far the special has earned well over a million dollars and I have little doubt this is just the beginning.
I paid for and downloaded "Live at the Beacon" the other day and have it saved on my desktop where it will stay for a long time. Louis' standup is fantastic as always, but for me the most intriguing part is the concept. I love the fact that Louis made this special on his own and didn't charge people an exorbitant amount for it. I feel like in this day and age with torrents (which I use) SOPA, the high cost of itunes, and people's frustration with it all, this special couldn't have been more timely. Louis is a brilliant comedian, a gifted writer, and apparently a phenomenal business man.
Buy the special today and watch it, you will not be disappointed. Here's the link!
Louis is far and away the best comedy on TV right now. Also, it might be of interest to you but he did a fan Q&A on the site reddit a couple of days ago. The dude seems really down to earth and cool. The link: