Saturday, December 17, 2011

Great show you've never heard of

"Enlightened" might be the most under promoted and thus under appreciated show on television. It's 10 episode first season starring Laura Dern and Luke Wilson just wrapped up on Monday and I took in every one and enjoyed them thoroughly.

The show is based around a woman (Laura Dern) with a great job at a large corporation who suffers an emotional breakdown and ends up in rehab center. The first episode opens with Dern's mental collapse which is fantastic and then catches up with her life after rehab. The following episodes detail her "enlightened" life in her newly assigned much less prestigious job at the same company only stationed in the basement data processing department.

Quite frankly the main reason I enjoy this show is because no one else watches it. "Enlightened" is untainted by countless awful "water cooler" discussions, moronic plot summations, and idiots in check out lines at convenience stores stomping all over the storyline misinterpreting every nuance of the show (see every popular show of all time for examples of this). I mean the show isn't that complicated or in depth it's pretty cut and dry but it's done well.

"Enlightened" is based in California and it sarcastically pokes fun at the self obsessed granola eating types, who "find" themselves then try and change the world. This is a great concept for a show and in this day and age certainly an easy target with tons of angles.

I am a huge Luke Wilson fan, have been since "Bottle Rocket" and his character is certainly a lovable fuck-up that helps bring the story along. Wilson plays the role of Laura Dern's actively drug addicted/alcoholic ex-husband who she attempts to help but also uses as a security blanket when she's down. The chemistry between the two is believable and enjoyable and I found myself quickly invested in his character.

My favorite character on the show is Timm Sharp who plays Dern's new boss in her demoted position, you might remember him from nothing. He's an awkward, womanizing, ass, who portrays the role of middle management perfectly. He may even remind you of your boss.

All in all this season was solid, I wont give anything away but it's not really a spoilable show. I definitely recommend adding it to your repertoire when the 2nd season starts just don't tell your stupid friends about it.

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